A influência da capacidade de inovação e das redes de cooperação na inovatividade de empresas instaladas em parques tecnológicos brasileiros – 2020

Autor: Carlos Augusto França Vargas Data de Defesa: 25/05/2020 Orientador: Guilherme Ary Plonski Título: A influência da capacidade de inovação e das redes de cooperação na inovatividade de empresas instaladas em parques tecnológicos brasileiros Resumo: Parques tecnológicos são ambientes de fomento à inovação tecnológica e geração de riqueza, por promoverem a sinergia entre empresas, instituições […]

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Os desafios da sociedade não têm fronteiras: impacto da pesquisa acadêmica interdisciplinar em polí­ticas públicas – 2020

Autora: Luisa Veras de Sandes Guimarães Data de Defesa: 23/04/2020 Orientador: Guilherme Ary Plonski Título: Os desafios da sociedade não têm fronteiras: impacto da pesquisa acadêmica interdisciplinar em polí­ticas públicas Resumo: O impacto da pesquisa na sociedade é um tema que vem sendo amplamente discutido na última década com a preocupação, já de longa data, […]

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Livestock value chain in transition: Cultivated (cell-based) meat and the need for breakthrough capabilities – 2020

Germano Glufke Reis; Marina Such Heidemannb; Felipe Mendes Borini; Carla Forte Maiolino Molento Abstract Alternative protein sources such as cell-based meat are potentially associated with improvements in important issues related to intensive industrial livestock production: animal welfare, environmental impact, food safety and the low efficiency of conventional meat production. However, little is known about the […]

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Environmental upgrading and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – 2020

Sabrina Della Santa Navarretea; Felipe Mendes Borini; Ilan Avrichir Abstract This paper, through a systematic literature review, seeks to verify how the literature identifies the relationship between company’s integration into the global value chain and environmental upgrading. The purpose is to evaluate if the literature presents a favorable or unfavorable view of the relationship between […]

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In search of the frugal innovation strategy – 2020

Professores Leandro Lima Santos, Felipe Mendes Borini, Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Júnior. “In the past years, many contributions have been published addressing frugal innovation and other types of resource-constrained innovations in the management field. Throughout this paper frugal innovation is reported as a phenomenon, concept, research field and strategy, showing the different ways the literature […]

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Linking corporate entrepreneurship, expatriation and reverse knowledge transfers – 2020

RAZIQ, MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA; BORINI, F. M.; RODRIGUES, C. D.; FAROOK, O.; SAEED, A Abstract Purpose Multinational enterprises (MNEs) encourage their subsidiaries to develop and transfer their unique knowledge and expertise back to the MNE as it is critical for the development of the MNE as a whole. However, what underlies the subsidiary ability to create […]

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International Digital Competence – 2020

Cahen, Fernanda; Borini, Felipe Mendes Abstract This article evaluates which specific capabilities of a firm enable its internationalization process, with an emphasis on companies with exclusively digital products. The results provide an opportunity to examine the strength of earlier findings in International Entrepreneurship (IE) research, which has largely addressed high-tech ventures that export physical products. […]

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Institutional pressures and the diffusion of organisational innovation: evidence from Brazilian firms – 2020

DOS SANTOS, MATHEUS GRACIANI; BORINI, FELIPE MENDES; PEREIRA, RAFAEL MORAIS; RAZIQ, MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to present empirical evidence on the influence of institutional pressures and the role of legitimacy when it comes to the diffusion of organisational innovations. Based on institutional and organisational innovation theory, three types of institutional […]

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Pubic funding for innovation: The importance of individual resources of the entrepreneur and the relational resources of the firm – 2019

DE FARIA, ALINE MARIANE; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, MOACIR DE MIRANDA; BORINI, FELIPE MENDES Abstract The main purpose of our quantitative study is to analyze the importance of individual resources of the entrepreneur and the relational resources of technology-based enterprises on the provision of public funding resources for innovation. The research was carried out in the State […]

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From Local to Global Innovation: The Role of Subsidiaries’ External Relational Embeddedness in an Emerging Market – 2019

ISAAC, V. R. ; BORINI, F. M. ; RAZIQ, MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA ; BENITO, G. R. G. Abstract This study examines factors that influence the development and transformation of local innovations into global innovations from an emerging market subsidiary. We argue that subsidiaries’ relational embeddedness with the external local network is essential for the development of […]

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