Em colaboração com a SDA Bocconi School of Management, de Milão, o PGT apresenta o Seminário “Servitizing your business: theory, practice and impact”, realizado no dia 15 de junho de 2022.


11:30 – 12:15 → Prof. Vincenzo Baglieri, SDA Bocconi, Associate Dean.

“The design and engineering of customer experience: from theory to practice”

Experience is a concept usually associated to the discipline of marketing and to management of the business to consumer sectors. Yet, experience is the ultimate output of any product-service combination, and can be used to deliver customer satisfaction in both the b2c and the b2b context. The seminar will present the latest evidences of the four-year long research on the design and engineering of the customer experience, and presents  its managerial implications.

12:15 – 13:00 → Prof. Vitaliano Fiorillo, SDA Bocconi, Director AgriLab.

“Research on agribusiness: a call for action”

The Invernizzi Agribusiness Research Initiative Lab (AGRI Lab) at SDA Bocconi. How our business school is leading the change in Italian modern agriculture by introducing innovative and long overdue management practice in farming and the agribusiness value chain. Research streams, drivers and expected outcomes.


Guilherme Ary Plonski – Professor da FEA e Poli/USP e Coordenador Científico do PGT/USP.

Eduardo Vasconcellos – Professor Titular e Professor Emérito – FEA USP. Membro Vitalício do Deliberative Council of IAMOT, e Coordenador do Convênio FEA/USP – Universidade de Bocconi.

Marcos Alberto C. Bruno – Pesquisador do PGT/USP e Professor visitante da Escola de Gestão SDA Bocconi (Milão) e do Departamento de Administração da FEA/USP.
Assista o seminário no link a seguir!

Seminário “Servitizing your business: theory, practice and impact”