Com o objetivo de atrair pesquisas que abordem e discutam o surgimento, status e perspectivas de inovação na América Latina incorporados em seus diversos aspectos e dimensões, o International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems convoca a submissão com o tema de Inovação na América Latina.
Subject Coverage
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Innovation in the structure, organisation and management of the firm
• Product, process, service and business model innovation
• Macro-level economic and regulatory policies that impact innovativeness
• New thinking on innovation in the services sector
• Innovation in HR policies and practices
• Open Innovation
• Innovation in export-oriented small and medium size firms
• How do we measure innovation?
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 31 December, 2017
Notification to authors: 15 March, 2018
Final versions due: 15 May, 2018
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